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Jesper Hatt dds

Dental Coach

Keynote speaker

Tandlæge Jesper Hatt DDS

Empowering dentists for a stress-free, profitable life.

Er du en dedikeret klinikejer, der drømmer om at kunne fokusere på at lave tænder i en stressfri og profitabel hverdag? 

Er du ved at drukne i de mange administrative udfordringer, der stjæler både din tid og din arbejdsglæde?
For de fleste tandlæger føles det som en belastning. I mange tilfælde kan de mange administrative opgaver give et indtryk af, at teamet ikke tager ansvar for de opgaver, som de burde forventes at håndtere selvstændigt. Mange tandlæge oplever hvordan arbejdsglæden påvirkes og hvordan det finansielle udbytte ikke svarer overens med det arbejde, der lægges i at drive klinikken. 

Sådan burde det ikke være! 

Tandlæger, der påtager sig ansvaret at drive en klinik, bør have en lettere tilværelse.

Livet som klinikejer skal skabe et fundament for et liv i balance og med masser af overskud og frihed til livet udenfor klinikken. Fremfor at livet og glæden bliver suget væk af alle de administrative krav. 

A team toasting each other while smiling

Succesfuld klinikdrift - Med fokus på tænder

Som tidligere ejer af 2 tandklinikker, ved jeg hvor frustrerende det kan føles, når alle de gode intentioner ikke kommer til udtryk som ønsket. Men jeg har også flere års erfaring i at ændre situationen og skabe profitable klinikker, med teams, der tager ansvar og proaktivt driver klinikken efter ejerens ønsker - uden behov for at ejeren hele tiden skal løse administrative opgaver.

Mindre administration

Forestil dig muligheden for at tage 4 uger fri fra klinikken. Mens klinikken fortsat holder åbent og du holder ferie, modtager du ikke en eneste email eller telefonopkald. Når du kommer tilbage, ligger der måske en ekstra forsikringserklæring, der skal udfyldes. Ellers fungerer alt som dagen du forlod klinikken. 


Siden 2018 har jeg konsekvent demonstreret hvordan klinikker overalt i Europa og i USA, kan transformeres med vores enkle, men effektive tilgang. Vi har hjulpet utallige klinikker med at øge deres overskud markant, kombineret med en betydelig sænkning af stressniveauet. Vores proces hjælper med at fjerne den administrative byrde fra tandlægerne så de kan fokusere på tandbehandling. 

Velkommen til Hatt Consulting

Din partner i klinikudvikling, personlig og finansiel succes



Many dentists discover that they lack the vitality to fully savor life on their terms.

It seems as though the patients, the staff, and the administrative demands of the clinic are depleting their energy. Frequently, the compensation for the level of responsibility and hard work invested doesn't provide a satisfying sense of worth.

Er det for besværligt at skrive? 
Så book en gratis online samtale i stedet😊

Move on

Since 2018, my team and I have saved numerous dentists from stress and burnout.


Through a simple, structured approach, we are able to help dentists and dental  practice owners to increase the clinic's profit while reducing the workload. It sounds paradoxical, but something we have consistently proven in the dental practices we have worked with. 

Follow the 3 steps below and you will be closer to a more profitable everyday life with less stress and more personal freedom. 


  1. Press the link below

  2. Book your free online consultation with dentist Jesper Hatt

  3. Tell us what you want to achieve - it's free and completely non-binding. 

A man and a woman receiving counselling from a man
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  • A practice owner went from performing 20% ​​to 70% of the treatments that gave the dentist the most pleasure.

  • The right advice led to a clinic being able to realize its potential and increase its revenue by 38% within 2 month.

  • One clinic doubled its production with less chair time - after 2 months of consulting.

  • Our customers typically experience a revenue increase of 25-85% in the first 3 months of our collaboration.


As a former private dentist and practice owner, I understand the problems you face on a daily basis. I know how it feels to sit at the dentist's chair and be expected to solve all possible and impossible tasks at the same time. Not just at one clinic, but two at the same time.

I've been under so much pressure from a bank that my life's work was threatened with closure if my team and I didn't get better at: 


  • Attracting the right patients

  • Having conversations that made patients want to invest

  • Achieve stress-free productivity improvements

Just like I've been stuck with 3 million in debt only to become completely debt-free. 

I've managed small and large clinic teams, bought and renovated clinics, completed generational change, sold to a chain and served as a practice manager in a large DSO. 

In addition, I have been an external consultant for some of the dental industry's largest companies and taught sales and marketing both inside and outside the dental industry.

It's my experience, as well as the experience of the many dental clinics my team and I have helped over the years, that enables us to help dental offices in 15 different countries achieve the results they dream of.


Your dental practice is unique.
For us, it's all about helping you create what you want to achieve.

Team having a party in a garden

As a former private dentist and practice owner, I understand the problems you face on a daily basis. I know how it feels to sit at the dentist's chair and be expected to solve all possible and impossible tasks at the same time. Not just at one clinic, but two at the same time.

I've been under so much pressure from a bank that my life's work was threatened with closure if my team and I didn't get better at: 


  • Attracting the right patients

  • Having conversations that made patients want to invest

  • Achieve stress-free productivity improvements

Just like I've been stuck with 3 million in debt only to become completely debt-free. 

I've managed small and large clinic teams, bought and renovated clinics, completed generational change, sold to a chain and served as a practice manager in a large DSO. 

In addition, I have been an external consultant for some of the dental industry's largest companies and taught sales and marketing both inside and outside the dental industry.

It's my experience, as well as the experience of the many dental clinics my team and I have helped over the years, that enables us to help dental offices in 15 different countries achieve the results they dream of.


Your dental practice is unique.
For us, it's all about helping you create what you want to achieve.

White Feather


Every dental practice is unique. It requires us to adapt to your needs.
You can take a free dialogue with us and find out if we are the right match for you and your practice. Once we have found the solutions that suits your need the best, we can start a collaboration.

You can do like many other practices: Receive tailor-made practice optimization courses that include internal training of the team in your dental office. Ongoing online advice and support, as well as relevant written guides and systems adapted to your specific needs.

You can also choose a single day of team training. We will talk with you about what you want to achieve ahead of the training. Then we will train your staff and follow up a month later, to ensure you have gotten good value out of your investment.

Alternatively, you or your team can join us in a hands-on workshop you think is relevant to the dental office.

Or it could be that you just need to read one of our blog posts , or one of the many guides and documents you can download for free here on the homepage.
Take a look around the website, read our blog or contact us now .

Image of UX practice optimization
Coaching for dentists
Whatever it takes - teaching
Internal calibration of professional standards
Team training abroad
Personal commitment
Keynote Speaker
Balancing a life in dentistry


It is 100% risk-free to work with us. We give you a guarantee on your investment: Full satisfaction or all the money back!

Nothing like 50% or the cost deducted. But a 100% refund if our service does not live up to your expectations!

We dare to give this guarantee because we generally experience that the dentists who work with us experience significantly better results than they had dared to dream of. If we could not deliver the results, we would not be able to survive with that kind of guarantee.

Don't hesitate. Write us an email and tell us how you want your dental practice and your life as a practice owner to take shape. It is 100% risk free.

We look forward to helping you achieve your dreams.


Full satisfaction

Or the money back!


A prerequisite for success is growth. Our methods give you fast results.

Your team gets motivated and takes responsibility for the clinic so you no longer have to worry about everything.

The clinic's finances are improved giving you the freedom to live the life of your dreams.

Dental værktøjer i lommen


Will it pay off?
We guarantee full satisfaction or money back on our consulting.

I already know what's wrong with my practice!

Unless we can help you solve them faster and better, you will not need our help. We will find out in our initial dialogue.

How can I free up time for it?
When you get help running your business, rather than putting out the daily fires. You get more time and bigger profits. Let us show you how.

Can counseling change anything at all?
Nothing will change until you are convinced of the benefits of the changes and know how to implement them. Are you ready yourself?


Does your team work together as a well-trained cohesive unit? Without this prerequisite, it is difficult to achieve success. An amazing TEAM will lead you to the success you dream about.


There are certain systems and procedures that generally improve practice production and time management easily and seamlessly. Do you have control over the systems? Or do you also sense that your resources could be used in a better way?

Billede af Zachary Nelson


We have over 15 years of industry-specific experience in the dental market. To do what we do best, we have chosen to work only with dental clinics.


We currently have customers in 12 different countries:

Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Belgium, France, India and Hong Kong

From the small single office practice to large clinics with over 100 employees.

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