We help dentists who want a better life inside and outside their dental practice
Er det her dig?
De daglige driftsopgaver føles overvældende
Dit personale lever ikke op til forventningerne
For mange patienter skal lige "tænke over det"
Du arbejder mere end 40 timer om ugen og kunne tænke dig mere tid til familie, fritid og dig selv?
Din kliniks profit må godt blive betydeligt mere profitabel – uden at kræve flere timer af dig?
Jeg forstår dine udfordringer – og jeg har løsningerne.
Hvorfor Hatt Consulting?
Jeg har stået i dine sko – og jeg forstår dine udfordringer
Med 12 års erfaring som klinikejer og international rådgiver ved jeg, hvordan det føles at jonglere mellem klinikdrift og privatliv, og hvordan en travl hverdag kan dræne både tid og overskud.
Jeg har skabt løsninger i 16 forskellige lande, der hjælper klinikejere med at:
Frigøre tid og reducere stress.
Forbedre økonomien markant – ofte med fordoblet eller tredoblet overskud.
Optimere klinikdrift, så både patienter og personale trives.
Mit mål er at gøre din klinik til en styrke i dit liv – ikke en belastning. Med afprøvede metoder guider jeg dig til frihed, balance og succes.
Tandlæge Jesper Hatt
Hvordan vi hjælper
Skræddersyede løsninger til klinikejere som dig:
Strategisk ledelse og struktur: Skab en klar vision, mål og handlingsplan.
Økonomisk optimering: Øg klinikkens overskud med smartere processer.
Bæredygtig vækst: Branding og marketing, der tiltrækker de rigtige patienter uden bøvl
Rekruttering og teamudvikling: Tiltræk og fasthold det rigtige personale.
Balancen mellem liv og arbejde: Find tiden til det, der betyder mest.
Yana Laustsen
Tandlægerne Nuuks Plads, Frederiksberg
”Omsætningen steg fra 3,5 mio. kr. til 6,5 mio. kr. på 2 år. Nu har jeg 3 ugers ventetid, selv om der kun er 100 meter til den næste tandlæge.”
Rikke Hansen
Tandlægerne på Dambakken, Birkerød
”Selv om jeg er gået ned i stoletid, er omsætningen steget med ca. 30% i løbet af 3 måneder. Så Jesper har betydet alverden for mig og min klinik.”
Marc Onuoha
Æstetisk tandlæge
"Jespers indgående kendskab til tandlægebranchen har gjort min forretningsplan stærkere, så jeg nu kun udfører behandlinger indenfor min specialiserede interesse"
When you submit the form, you will receive a number of useful tips and tricks you can use to make improvements right away.
A practice owner went from performing 20% to 70% of the treatments that gave the dentist the most pleasure.
The right advice led to a clinic being able to realize its potential and increase its revenue by 38% within 2 month.
One clinic doubled its production with less chair time - after 2 months of consulting.
Our customers typically experience a revenue increase of 25-85% in the first 3 months of our collaboration.
Every dental practice is unique. It requires us to adapt to your needs.
You can take a free dialogue with us and find out if we are the right match for you and your practice. Once we have found the solutions that suits your need the best, we can start a collaboration.
You can do like many other practices: Receive tailor-made practice optimization courses that include internal training of the team in your dental office. Ongoing online advice and support, as well as relevant written guides and systems adapted to your specific needs.
You can also choose a single day of team training. We will talk with you about what you want to achieve ahead of the training. Then we will train your staff and follow up a month later, to ensure you have gotten good value out of your investment.
Alternatively, you or your team can join us in a hands-on workshop you think is relevant to the dental office.
Or it could be that you just need to read one of our blog posts , or one of the many guides and documents you can download for free here on the homepage.
Take a look around the website, read our blog or contact us now .
Imagine being able to take COMPLETE time off when the dental practice closes.
With plenty of time and resources for family and personal interests
Will it pay off?
We guarantee full satisfaction or money back on our consulting.
I already know what's wrong with my practice!
Unless we can help you solve them faster and better, you will not need our help. We will find out in our initial dialogue.
How can I free up time for it?
When you get help running your business, rather than putting out the daily fires. You get more time and bigger profits. Let us show you how.
Can counseling change anything at all?
Nothing will change until you are convinced of the benefits of the changes and know how to implement them. Are you ready yourself?
Does your team work together as a well-trained cohesive unit? Without this prerequisite, it is difficult to achieve success. An amazing TEAM will lead you to the success you dream about.
There are certain systems and procedures that generally improve practice production and time management easily and seamlessly. Do you have control over the systems? Or do you also sense that your resources could be used in a better way?
We have over 15 years of industry-specific experience in the dental market. To do what we do best, we have chosen to work only with dental clinics.
We currently have customers in 12 different countries:
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Belgium, France, India and Hong Kong
From the small single office practice to large clinics with over 100 employees.