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Jesper Hatt
Jun 5, 20239 min read
Create more interest in comprehensive dental treatment
Læs om et simpelt tiltag, der øger dine patienters interesse for optimal tandbehandling og forbedrer deres mundhygiejne.
Jesper Hatt
Mar 10, 20239 min read
Treatment Acceptance
If you do what you've always done, you will receive the same results you've always achieved. This post is about how to achieve a higher...
Jesper Hatt
Feb 24, 20226 min read
Personality test - communication
I have previously advised against implementing personality profiling as part of patient communication in the dental practice. Not because...
Jesper Hatt
Feb 10, 20227 min read
Character profiles and patient communication
Many point out the importance of knowing the personality types of patients. The argument is that knowing the personality type makes it...
Jesper Hatt
Jan 27, 20226 min read
Acceptance of complex treatment
Why is it relatively easy to get patients to accept simple treatments and difficult to get them to accept the complex ones? In this post...
Jesper Hatt
Dec 30, 20216 min read
Patient Communikation 2.0
I'm sure you've wondered why your patients don't always choose to follow your recommendations. If you feel anything like most dentists I...
Jesper Hatt
Dec 16, 20214 min read
Patient communication overview
This post is pure Christmas cheer - if you ask me. It's about patient communication, of course. I want to give you a better overview of...
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