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Jesper Hatt DDS
Nov 15, 20244 min read
The art of stress-free success as a dentist
Vores arbejde ikke bare en profession; det er en livsstil!
Vi ser på tænder, laver tænder, snakker om tænder, tager på kurser om tænder...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jul 22, 20239 min read
Dental work-life balance part 1
Your private vision as a dentist & practice owner I hope you enjoy your summer vacation in a way where you don't think about teeth, the...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jun 5, 20239 min read
Create more interest in comprehensive dental treatment
Læs om et simpelt tiltag, der øger dine patienters interesse for optimal tandbehandling og forbedrer deres mundhygiejne.
Jesper Hatt DDS
May 18, 20233 min read
Efficient Workflows for Dental Assistants
Dental assistants play a critical role in the daily operations of a dental office. They work alongside dentists and other dental...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Apr 7, 20237 min read
Retain your employees
I don't want to be retained. Do you? So what is it that makes us think we can retain employees in their positions in our companies? Or at...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Mar 19, 20235 min read
Dental economy and happiness are linked
No matter how passionate we are about making teeth, the passion will burn out if the economy does not support our personal freedom. None...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jan 3, 20239 min read
Running a dental practice in a time of crisis
It is said that crises are always the times in history when the greatest business opportunities arise. However, in the midst of crises,...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jul 21, 20226 min read
Worthless activities
This post is about leadership in dental practices. It is aimed at dentists who want to practice dentistry in a less stressful- and more...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jun 23, 20228 min read
How to overcome the 5 biggest obstacles
This post is about getting started with clear aligners. The content may also inspire colleagues who do not want to work with...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jun 21, 20227 min read
Avoid running a unsustainable dental practice
Dentists love to be in control. I am a trained dentist myself. I have been practising dentistry for 18 years and know the feeling of...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Jun 9, 20226 min read
Success with Clear Aligners
This week's blog post gives you an overview of what it takes to achieve a clinically and financially successful implementation of clear...
Jesper Hatt DDS
May 29, 20229 min read
Implementing clear aligners in a general dental practice
Introduction Dentists do not feel clinically confident about treating patients with clear aligners. Many may have attempted to treat a...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Feb 17, 20224 min read
Get off the tread mill
There is a lot of pressure and momentum in the dental industry. An increasing number of dentists are experiencing stress and loss of...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Nov 6, 20215 min read
Do you make it easy?
How easy is it for your patients to do business with you? This week's post is about how we sometimes forget what makes visiting us easier...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Oct 17, 20219 min read
Choice of IO scanner II
In last week's post, I argued why the iTero would not currently be my first choice among IO scanners on the market. So in this post we...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Sep 23, 20217 min read
Recruitment - example no.1
This week, I'm going to give you an example of how to design a job ad in a way that attracts the right candidates. As well as looking at...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Sep 16, 20217 min read
Recruitment - conflicts
Most people are familiar with workplaces where a single employee is allowed to slow down everyone else. Everyone knows that one employee...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Sep 11, 20217 min read
Recruitment - the dirty methods
If you are a dental practice owner and feel like most other practice owners. Then the task of finding a new employee is a tiring and...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Sep 2, 20216 min read
Recruitment - 4 prerequisites
As I wrote in last week's post, in the coming weeks I will be focusing on recruiting dentists and dental hygienists. However, the methods...
Jesper Hatt DDS
Aug 28, 20216 min read
Recruitment - important perspectives
Recruitment in dentistry has reached a critical point. If you've heard that it's hard to find suitable candidates for a dental vacancy,...
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